The Goal: Beyond Green! ภาษาไทย
Our building and neighborhood concepts are more than green: we are not only considering the impact of our buildings on the environment, but also take account for economics and socio-cultural aspects: optimized life cycle costs, well being of the inhabitants and aesthetic solutions.
The Method: Integrated Design!
On the bases of our integrated design approach we closely work together with all stakeholders of a project: client,architect, engineers and future occupants. At the beginning of a project we define goals based on sophisticated simulation tools to predict energy demand, thermal comfort, investment and life cycle costs. By combing innovative technologies we find cost optimized and innovative solutions for the benefit of our clients.
The Implementation: Certified Quality!
After successfully finishing the concept we do not leave our clients alone. We closely monitor the implementation of our concepts through a detailed quality control during the complete design, construction and commissioning process. To ensure a high quality we recommend to carry out a third party building certification according to the DGNB (German Association for sustainable buildings) or LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental and Design) system.